Father, we come before you now on bended knee, hoping to honor you with our integrity. Please make our judgement as sound as steel and be our hands upon the wheel. Give us strength and vigilance on our routes and help us to serve others, as You did, Lord, without any doubts. Remind us to be gentle, humble and kind, and help us when we stumble in body and mind. Please shelter our families whilst we are away and bring us safely back to them at the end of this day.
This is not a J-O-B. We all act like we own this business.
What are our core values? They are a representation of our common beliefs that should shape our attitudes and actions on a daily basis; while we work together for our families, the community, each other and ourselves. One of our core values that we seldom speak of is “Self Employed Mentality.” What does this concept mean to you?
Does it mean that we can actually all be owners of J-Bar? Ever wonder if Dell employees pondered this very question 36 years ago when they were just starting out? The facts are that we have grown about 30% year over year for the past four years and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down. We are all in a unique and valuable position in a company that seems be heading towards an extremely successful future. We own this gift together!
The Apostle Paul speaks about ownership of the church to early Christians in much the same way. We think he was imprisoned in Rome at the time and he was beseeching the early Church to stand firm and do what was right: “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.” (Philippians I:27)
Paul started his treatise with a greeting “To all the saints in Christ Jesus.” Saints meant “called out”, different from the world, set apart – different and worthy of holiness. Paul wrote to all of the members of the church and used this title to remind them that they all shared ownership. There were severe problems with sin and he wanted them all to remember who they were and what had been done for them by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Paul also address the Self-Employed Mentality in Ephesians 6:7 by reminding us to “Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord, rather than for people.” If we just remember who we serve – our Heavenly Father and that we are all members of the same human family, then we are all working for God and for ourselves.
Perfection is unattainable when humans are involved. We try to be better today than we were yesterday. We are asked to act like we are part owners, to hold the positions that we hold. To be trusted we need to show integrity – doing what is right when no one is looking. . . or even when everyone IS looking. . . Honorable choices made with integrity are unpopular many times, but they are the only choice that we should make as part owners of our company, J-Bar.
If you haven’t yet, join us. . . be a partner with us. . . own this with us. We are J-Bar.