Categories: J Bar Blog


“Summertime” – when you hear the word, visions of lake days and relaxing on the beach come to mind. You’ll begin to imagine the sweet, cold sensation of a watermelon enjoyed at a picnic table and a refreshing glass of lemonade and tray of snacks waiting for you after leaving the pool in search of something to help restock your energy supply.

Another exciting part of summertime is the festivities we missed out on last year after the coronavirus pandemic put a halt to gatherings. Things are slowly starting to return to normal, the most significant indicator of the return of special events in the Hill Country. Patrons and their families are loading up to spend their weekends at festivals and packing their snacks and drinks for concerts in local parks, ready to enjoy their summer with their loved ones.

Our team over at J Bar is equally excited, as we are gearing up for these events and preparing to provide our services to the thousands of visitors who attend them.
Sales Supervisor and former Special Event Coordinator Kadi Sooter has seen her share of busy event seasons and agrees that 2020 was definitely a rarity. But that didn’t stop her and the J Bar team from being excited about the new season.
“We already knew that 2021 was going to be a great year for events. We were still skeptical, considering at the time, not everything was 100% open. However, we still had full faith and pre-planned in hopes of this being one of our most profitable seasons for special events,” Kadi said.

“When we found out that everything was 100% open and events were full-fledged, we were ready to take on and serve each customer with grateful hands. We were also so excited for them!”
The shutting down of summer events led to J Bar’s special event department shutting down. The employees handling these events recognize the importance and share in the excitement of them returning.

“We were just excited to finally be able to celebrate the future success of the other organization planners,” Kadi said. “The best part of the planning process is being able to meet new people and establish new forever friendships and relationships with our clients, getting to see their face knowing they can provide entertainment for their town, city, or group makes us happy that we just simply got to be a part of that joy in some way, and we were able to help them.”
Kadi says that most customers the special events department have followed up with after their 2021 events have stated that they saw record numbers of attendees after the break from events.
“Reaching back out to those customers, if we didn’t attend the event ourselves, to chat with them about the turnout was very satisfying too,” Kadi said. “Helping other people succeed is always a plus.”

Savanna Gregg

My name is Savanna Gregg, and I have been blessed with the task of writing blog posts for J Bar! I’ve grown my love for writing since I was a kid, inspired by my grandpa and great-grandma, and encouraged by my family to follow this passion wherever it leads me. I found a love for journalism in high school and participated in UIL competitions throughout that time. I was able to expand that experience into a career, working for the Burnet Bulletin Newspaper for just over two years before finding a new opportunity here at J Bar. I’ve always loved spreading the news to my community through social media, and am so glad to have been given the opportunity to continue that while providing services for our customers at the same time. I hope you enjoy learning more about our company!