Categories: J Bar Blog

Thank You to those who Labor

All good things come on the heels of continuous hard work. We can attribute all of the things we enjoy today to the efforts of people before us who had an idea and acted upon it.

From the smallest of pleasures to the things we rely on every day, such as a vehicle to get us to and from our job, or a cell phone to stay up to date on current events or stay in touch with our families and colleagues, someone’s idea turned into something tangible and useful for generations to come.

On Labor Day, many of us had the chance to relax and refresh our minds with a day off as a “thank you” for the work we put into our jobs. We have all put in a lot of hard work this past year as the coronavirus pandemic has continued to throw obstacles our way, and many of us have worked harder than others, depending on their line of work.

While the unknown threatened to uproot everything we have worked for, companies and communities remained strong. They adapted to the many changes thrown their way. Restrictions were put in place, then edited, then lifted, and then reinstated, creating confusion and stress that was handled with grace and confidence that we would see it through.
We at J Bar Enterprises would like to thank the laborers of our communities for remaining strong throughout this past year and in years before to ensure their presence and success continued for coming generations, even when it seemed too hard to keep moving forward.

Through the restrictions, our home builders not only have been able to continue creating a lasting shelter for their clients to have for generations to come but have been determined to stay productive in this struggling economy.

Event holders, at first denied the ability to host events for their guests, have adapted to the restrictions put forth for the event industry to keep welcoming people to their venues and festivals and providing a source of entertainment for those who want it.

We have other customers not associated with construction or events, such as local crews who maintain our city and county infrastructure so our economy can continue to function. These individuals are always working to improve our lives directly and indirectly, and their efforts should be recognized.

Beyond mentioning only our customers, it is important to recognize the hard work other entities perform to improve the efficiency of things, such as postal workers ensuring our mail is received; grocery store workers were ensuring a great shopping experience, especially in today’s world of shortages both in supplies and employees; or janitors keeping our buildings clean and ensuring the safety of people visiting them.
An earlier article regarding civility in the workplace discussed at the Global Leadership Summit, it is important to respect everyone’s work—not only in the workplace but as a civilian – shopping in the store, visiting a public building, receiving service of any kind. All work is important, and we must show those performing even the smallest task that they are noticed and appreciated.

It is easy to not realize the work someone puts into their daily job or to know what a difference that person makes. Still, there are many things you can do to slow down for a second and show your appreciation for the variety of laborers in our communities.

You can try to understand their process, for one. If you are unsure why someone does what they do, ask questions (respecting their time) to better understand.

Be patient, especially with those in the service industry like the employees at your local grocery store, and even better, return your shopping cart to the corral before you leave! Not only are grocery store employees under the stress of keeping processes efficient at the store, but now they are having to deal with restrictions and, as a result, impatient customers on top of that. Being the one customer who shows grace towards your cashier or bagger can make all the difference in their day.

Employers can show their appreciation of their employees by offering incentives, rewarding hard work, and achieving goals. A great morale booster is a simple recognition for performing tasks efficiently and effectively and encouraging the team to continue this success. It goes a long way for the individuals and team.

And of course, a “thank you” to the workers of your community makes all the difference. Dedicating one day a year to workers who keep everything going is certainly not enough. Understanding someone’s process and thanking them for their work for an organization or business will probably motivate them more than you can imagine.

Savanna Gregg

My name is Savanna Gregg, and I have been blessed with the task of writing blog posts for J Bar! I’ve grown my love for writing since I was a kid, inspired by my grandpa and great-grandma, and encouraged by my family to follow this passion wherever it leads me. I found a love for journalism in high school and participated in UIL competitions throughout that time. I was able to expand that experience into a career, working for the Burnet Bulletin Newspaper for just over two years before finding a new opportunity here at J Bar. I’ve always loved spreading the news to my community through social media, and am so glad to have been given the opportunity to continue that while providing services for our customers at the same time. I hope you enjoy learning more about our company!