mobile restroom

6 Benefits of Mobile Restrooms at Outdoor Events

Planning an outdoor event? Did you know that proper sanitation is one of the key factors for a successful event? Whether it’s a music festival, wedding, or sports event, having clean and accessible restrooms is crucial.

Mobile restrooms provide the perfect solution. These facilities ensure that guests have a comfortable and convenient place to go, enhancing their overall experience. Mobile restrooms are not just about convenience; they are essential for maintaining hygiene and sanitation standards at any event.

Curious to learn more? Read on to discover the six key benefits of mobile restrooms at outdoor events and why they are a must-have for any event planner.

1. Convenience for Guests

Mobile restrooms offer unmatched convenience at outdoor events. Imagine attending a festival or outdoor wedding and not having to worry about finding a clean and accessible restroom. Portable toilets and temporary restrooms ensure that guests can enjoy the event without any discomfort.

These facilities are strategically placed around the event area, reducing long lines and wait times. For instance, at large music festivals, having multiple portable toilets spread across the venue means guests can quickly find a restroom, minimizing disruptions to their experience.

Temporary restrooms also come equipped with essential amenities like hand sanitizers and adequate lighting, further enhancing guest comfort. By providing these conveniences, event planners can ensure a more enjoyable and hassle-free experience for everyone.

2. Enhanced Sanitation

Mobile restrooms play a crucial role in improving sanitation at events. As effective event sanitation solutions, they help maintain a high standard of cleanliness and hygiene, which is vital for the health and comfort of attendees.

These restrooms are designed to be easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that they stay hygienic throughout the event. Many mobile restrooms come equipped with features such as handwashing stations, hand sanitizers, and proper waste disposal systems, which help reduce the spread of germs and bacteria.

Additionally, regular servicing by professional sanitation crews ensures that the facilities remain spotless and fully stocked with necessary supplies. This level of cleanliness and attention to hygiene not only enhances the guest experience but also helps prevent potential health issues, making mobile restrooms an essential part of any outdoor event sanitation strategy.

3. Versatility and Flexibility

Mobile restrooms are incredibly versatile, making them suitable for a wide range of events. Whether it’s a large music festival, an intimate wedding, a corporate gathering, or a sports event, these facilities fit seamlessly into any setting. Their adaptability makes them ideal outdoor event facilities.

One of the key benefits of mobile restrooms is their flexibility. They can be easily moved and set up in different locations as needed. If the layout of an event changes, the restrooms can be quickly relocated to more convenient spots, ensuring guests always have easy access to clean facilities.

These restrooms come in various sizes and styles to meet different needs. From basic portable toilets to more elaborate setups with multiple stalls and handwashing stations, there’s a mobile restroom solution for every event. This versatility means that event planners can choose the right type and number of restrooms based on the size and nature of their event.

Moreover, mobile restrooms can be equipped with additional features like lighting, mirrors, and ventilation to enhance guest comfort. This customization allows them to serve different purposes, from providing simple sanitation solutions to offering more luxurious amenities.

In summary, mobile restrooms offer a practical and adaptable solution for any outdoor event, ensuring that all guests have access to necessary facilities wherever the event takes place.

4. Comfort and Luxury Options

Luxury restroom trailers are a great option for events where comfort is a priority. These upscale facilities go beyond the basics, offering a higher level of comfort and style for guests.

Luxury restroom trailers come equipped with features such as air conditioning, heating, and spacious interiors. They often include high-end finishes like granite countertops, large mirrors, and stylish lighting. Some even provide music and fragrance options to enhance the experience.

These trailers provide a comfortable and pleasant environment, making guests feel valued and pampered. Ideal for weddings, corporate events, and upscale parties, luxury restroom trailers ensure that attendees can enjoy a touch of elegance and comfort, no matter the location.

5. Cost-Effectiveness

Renting mobile restrooms is a cost-effective solution for event planners. Temporary restrooms offer significant savings compared to building permanent facilities. Construction costs for permanent restrooms can be very high, including materials, labor, and ongoing maintenance.

With temporary restrooms, you avoid these expenses. Renting mobile restrooms means you only pay for what you need, when you need it. This flexibility can be especially beneficial for events that last just a few days.

For example, a weekend festival can save thousands of dollars by renting mobile restrooms instead of constructing permanent ones. The money saved can be used for other important aspects of the event, like entertainment or food. By choosing temporary restrooms, event planners can manage their budgets more effectively while still providing excellent facilities for their guests.

6. Environmental Benefits

Mobile restrooms can be environmentally friendly event sanitation solutions. They often come with advanced waste management systems that reduce water usage and ensure proper disposal of waste.

Some mobile restrooms use eco-friendly chemicals and materials that minimize environmental impact. Additionally, many providers offer recycling and composting options to handle waste more sustainably.

By choosing mobile restrooms, event planners can promote green practices, helping to protect the environment while still meeting the sanitation needs of their guests. These eco-friendly options make mobile restrooms a smart choice for any outdoor event.

The Essential Mobile Restroom for Your Event

Mobile restrooms offer numerous benefits: convenience, enhanced sanitation, versatility, comfort, cost-effectiveness, and environmental friendliness. These features make them crucial for any outdoor event. A mobile restroom ensures your guests have access to clean, comfortable facilities, improving their overall experience.

To elevate your event, consider J Bar Enterprises’ luxury restroom trailers, complete with on-site attendants for impeccable service. Contact us today to learn more about our top-notch event sanitation solutions and make your next event unforgettable.

Don’t leave your event’s success to chance; reach out now and secure the best mobile restroom services.

Luxury Portable Bathrooms for outdoor wedding venue

Your Outdoor Wedding Venue Needs Luxury Portable Bathrooms

Are you planning one of the 2.2 million weddings that are expected to happen in 2024 in the United States?

If so, you likely know how meticulous the process is and how many factors contribute to making your day seamless and perfect. One detail that is easy to overlook is the restroom facilities. While it may not be the most glamorous part of planning a wedding, it is important.

For an outdoor wedding venue, you’ll need to consider renting luxury portable bathrooms for your guests. These facilities come with many amenities and benefits.

The guide below will tell you everything you need to know about renting portable bathrooms for your outdoor wedding.

Thoughtful Planning and an Outdoor Wedding Venue

You want your wedding to be memorable and reflect your style and taste. An outdoor venue offers a picture-perfect setting.

You don’t want to ruin the view with less-than-ideal restrooms. Concert port-a-potties are likely not in your wedding day vision.

However, it’s important to consider the logistics of hosting an outdoor wedding.

Traditional portable bathrooms will serve their purpose, but they like the comfort and elegance that you want at your wedding.

You’re investing your time and money into selecting the perfect venue, decor, and entertainment. You should also extend the same attention to your facilities.

The Countless Benefits

There are a range of benefits that you and your guests can enjoy when you rent portable bathrooms for your outdoor wedding venue.

A luxury restroom is going to be designed with aesthetics in mind. It will have high-end finishes and even decor. It will add to the ambiance of your wedding.

It’ll also be more convenient for your guests. You won’t want them to have to walk a long distance to go to the bathroom.

Luxury facilities are more spacious than standard portable toilets. They provide your guests will extra room, which contributes to their comfort. You can rent bathrooms with multiple sinks, stalls, mirrors, and vanities.

People want to look their best at your wedding. Giving them an area where they can freshen up will improve their experience.

More Advantages to Consider

While you hope the weather is perfect for your wedding day, it can be unpredictable. Luxury portable bathrooms will come with climate control so your guest will be comfortable whether it’s a cool evening or a hot summer day.

The last thing you want is your guest passing gems around. A luxury restroom prioritizes cleanliness and hygiene. You can hire attendants to ensure the facilities are well-maintained throughout the entire wedding.

It will also offer a more private experience. Your guests will appreciate a higher level of privacy at your wedding.

Lastly, when you’re planning a wedding, you need to think about all your guests and their potential needs. Luxury restrooms are created to be accessible. This inclusivity ensures all your guests are comfortable, no matter what their circumstances are.

Find the Right Company

Finding the right company to rent your luxury can be challenging. There may be several companies in your area that offer these types of rentals.

However, you must find the right one for you and your event. When you’re searching, be sure to look at online reviews and testimonials.

When you’re looking for the right company, you should also get a quote. Comparing prices can be very beneficial. It will also give you peace of mind that you were getting a good deal.

The last thing you want is to get scammed or taken advantage of. If you’ve hired a wedding planner, you can seek their advice as well.

They may have worked with someone in the industry before and have suggestions. Talking with your other wedding vendors can also be helpful.

Frequently Asked Questions

When you rent a portable toilet for your outdoor wedding venue, it’s normal to have questions. This is likely your first time hosting a large event or renting luxury bathrooms. Having the answers to the questions below will allow you to make an informed decision about your event.

What Models Are Available?

There are several models available for you to choose from. Having options can be beneficial as you can pick the best one for your outdoor wedding.

Some have more amenities than others, and there are options with different sides for men and women.

What Size Do I Need?

The restroom size that you need will be determined by the number of guests attending and the length of your event.

If you’re hosting between 200-400 people for eight hours, you’ll need a larger facility. If you have around 150 guests coming, you won’t need a restroom as large.

When you’re planning a wedding, be sure to talk to a professional at J-Bar. A team member will advise which facility is right for your outdoor wedding.

When Should I Book?

When you book your restroom rental will be dependent on several factors. If you’re getting married during peak wedding season or on a holiday weekend, you’ll want to book as early as possible.

Luxury toilets are in high demand and you don’t want to risk all of them being rented out. The best thing you can do if you’re unsure is to speak with a consultant at the company.

What Is the Cost?

Restroom trails typically range from $1,000 to $5,000. However, the size of your outdoor wedding and the length of the event will affect the costs as well. Be sure to get quotes before booking.

Culminating the Perfect Day With Luxury Facilities

Finding the perfect outdoor wedding venue takes time, but once you have the perfect spot, it’s time to get the best luxury toilet rentals. These facilities provide your guests with comfort and elegance that aligns with the overall vision of your dream wedding.

Your wedding is about saying “I do” and creating an atmosphere of celebration and thoughtful consideration for every guest.

We’ve been operating at J-Bar for 15 years. Our team has the tools and knowledge to ensure your wedding day facilities are unbeatable.

Send us a message today and we’ll answer any questions you have.

Luxury portable restroom rental

10 Fancy Features in a Luxury Portable Restroom Rental

Why settle for mundane porta potties when you can offer your guests a restroom experience that rivals many high-end hotels? The concept of a luxury portable restroom rental may sound like an oxymoron, but this innovative service is transforming expectations for event planners and guests alike.

Offering features like climate control, opulent décor, and even Bluetooth-enabled stereos, these rentals aren’t just a place to take care of business; they’re a statement of your event’s caliber. Here are ten of the best features you can expect from your next rental.

1. Climate Control for All Seasons

Ever been to an outdoor event where you couldn’t wait to escape the restroom because it was too hot or too cold? That’s a common issue with standard porta potties. But imagine walking into a restroom that’s as comfortable as your bathroom at home.

Luxury portable restrooms offer climate control to ensure a pleasant atmosphere regardless of the weather outside. This isn’t just about comfort; it’s also about providing an experience where your guests can refresh and recharge. After all, if they’re not sweating or shivering, they’re more likely to stay longer and enjoy your event to the fullest.

2. Luxurious Decor Sets the Mood

When people think of portable restrooms, “luxury” is rarely a word that comes to mind. The usual scene of plain, plastic walls is replaced in luxury portable restrooms by tasteful decor that feels more like a high-end hotel than a temporary facility. Wooden floors, quality fixtures, and ambient lighting turn a simple utility into a pleasant experience.

This makes a big difference in how people perceive your event. When you care enough to provide a restroom with luxurious decor, guests recognize your attention to detail.

3. Hot Running Water: A Simple Pleasure

Basic sanitation is a given in any restroom. However, luxury portable restrooms offer something that standard units often overlook: hot running water. This feature makes a world of difference.

It’s not just about better hygiene, but also about the small comforts that enhance an event. Whether it’s washing your hands before a meal or rinsing your face to freshen up, hot water adds a touch of home.

4. Large Vanity Mirrors: Look Your Best

What’s a fancy party without photos? Whether it’s a wedding, a corporate gathering, or a festival, people love to document their experiences.

Large vanity mirrors in luxury portable restrooms offer guests the opportunity to touch up their makeup or fix their hair before capturing those moments. Unlike the small, often distorted mirrors in standard units, these large vanity mirrors provide a clear and broad reflection to make it easier for guests to look their best.

5. Stereo with Bluetooth Capabilities

Let’s talk tunes. Have you ever walked into a public restroom and felt instantly happier because of the music playing? Music sets the mood and can turn a simple pit stop into an enjoyable break.

That’s why luxury portable restrooms often come with stereo systems that have Bluetooth capabilities. Just sync your phone, and you can play the playlist that you think will best suit your guests. If you’re an event planner, you know how significant this feature can be.

6. LED Lighting

Good lighting is about more than just visibility. It can change the entire atmosphere of a space. Luxury portable restrooms usually feature LED lighting that not only illuminates the interior but also adds a warm and welcoming glow.

This is especially crucial for evening events, where poor lighting can become a safety concern. But the LED lighting in these restrooms goes beyond function; it adds a touch of elegance.

You won’t have to deal with the harsh, glaring lights commonly found in regular porta potties. Instead, you’ll walk into a soothing environment where even the lighting adds to the experience.

7. Occupied Indicators and Deadbolts

Nothing ruins the flow of an event like a line forming outside the restroom because people are unsure if it’s occupied. Luxury portable restrooms solve this problem with clear occupied indicators and deadbolts. These are small features, but they make a huge difference in how smoothly your event runs.

The indicators are easy to see from a distance and let your guests know when the restroom is available. The deadbolts offer an added level of privacy and security to make everyone feel more comfortable.

8. Odor-Control Systems for a Fresh Experience

Let’s face it, bathrooms can be smelly places. Standard porta potties often come with basic deodorizers that mask odors, but luxury portable restrooms go a step further.

Advanced odor-control systems, often using activated charcoal filters or other sophisticated technologies, ensure that the air inside the restroom remains fresh.

9. Spacious Stalls for Added Comfort

One of the most frequent complaints about standard porta potties is the cramped space. Luxury portable restrooms address this issue head-on by offering spacious stalls that give guests room to move around comfortably. No more bumping elbows on the walls or feeling claustrophobic.

The ample space in these luxury stalls allows for an experience that closely mimics what you’d find in a well-designed, permanent bathroom. The extra room is particularly beneficial for guests wearing elaborate outfits, such as wedding dresses or costumes, as it allows them to navigate with ease.

10. Built-In Trash Receptacles for a Cleaner Space

A clean space is a pleasant space, and luxury portable restrooms take this seriously by integrating built-in trash receptacles. These aren’t mere afterthoughts but carefully designed elements that blend seamlessly with the restroom’s overall decor.

By providing an easy and convenient place for guests to dispose of small items like tissues, wrappers, and feminine products, these built-in trash receptacles help keep the restroom tidy throughout the event.

Make a Statement With a Luxury Portable Restroom Rental

Isn’t it time you redefined what a portable restroom can be? With climate control, deluxe décor, and unbeatable sanitation, a luxury portable restroom rental is no longer a mere convenience but an essential part of any upscale gathering.

Why settle for standard porta potties when you can give your guests the VIP treatment? At J Bar Enterprises, we pride ourselves on fast delivery and pick-up times, as well as unbeatable customer service to ensure your event runs as smoothly as possible. Contact us today for a quote and experience what happens when affordability meets top-tier service.

trailer bathroom

What to Consider When Renting Luxury Portable Restrooms

Did you know the average person goes to the bathroom around seven times a day?

So, if you’re planning a special event somewhere with inadequate bathroom facilities, consider a luxury restroom rental.

Arranging a great event means selecting the right venue, hiring a reputable catering company, having enough staff, and renting portable toilets. Your VIP guests will, after all, naturally need to make trips to the loo.

Continue reading to learn the ins and outs of getting a trailer bathroom.

Consider How Many You Need

When mulling over porta potty rental options, figure out how many you need for your luxury VIP extravaganza. The last thing you want is a long lineup of well-dressed people waiting to use the washroom facilities.

Figure out how many VIP guests are expected at your event. Doing so will help you select the right number of luxury toilets.

You also must factor into the equation the duration of the event. One rule of thumb suggests getting at least two porta potty units for every 100 guests at a four-hour event.

If in doubt, book more portable porta potties to avoid disappointment. The service provider you hire will help you determine how many luxury portable toilets you should have on location for the occasion.

Consider Where You Need the Luxury Restrooms

While knowing how many portable toilets you need for the VIP event is vital, you must also consider where these units should be placed.

Proper placement will depend on factors like the size of the event location, how many people will be attending, and the duration of the event. Remember that the service provider can help with placement so everything flows smoothly.

The service provider will ensure that placement doesn’t negatively impact the flow of foot traffic or require guests to travel too far to use the restroom.

Consider the Available Amenities

You’ll also want to consider amenities offered with a luxury restroom trailer rental. The units should be equipped with handwashing stations, running water, and paper towels to prevent bacteria and germs from spreading.

Features like climate control are also key. That’s especially the case if the event is held during a time of year when it’s particularly warm or cool outdoors.

You’ll want your VIP guests to feel comfortable — and they will be in a luxury restroom trailer.

Consider How Long You’ll Need the Luxury Restrooms

Another consideration is how long you’ll need to rent a luxury restroom trailer. If you’ll need it for a week or a month, you’ll want to find a service provider that can accommodate you and offer you a competitive rate.

You’ll also want to ensure that the service provider offers options for servicing and maintaining the luxury restroom trailer for the period you’ll rent it. No one, after all, wants a porta potty that’s backed up.

Consider the Types of Portable Toilets Offered

It’s also a good idea to look at the types of luxury portable toilets available for your VIP event. You’ll want to ensure that the trailers are spacious, well-lit, have flushing toilets, and have sinks with running water, for instance.

You don’t want the onsite restroom experience to detract from the quality of the event. Getting a luxury restroom trailer will give your guests the facilities they need at the event.

Accessibility is also essential. Some of your guests might have mobility challenges. You don’t want a situation where they can’t use the facilities due to mobility concerns, so find luxury portable toilets that are accessible.

Before signing on the dotted line to book a porta potty trailer, discuss what you need with a service provider. You can check out the units for yourself to verify that the one you rent is the right luxury restroom trailer for your guests.

Consider the Available Space on the Property

How much space do you have available on the property? You might not have much space on the grounds for a large trailer or for more than one.

Ensure you canvas the event location ahead of time to decide how to get the right porta potties.

Once you figure out the particulars, you can get luxury restroom facilities that are a good fit based on the space available and the guest list.

Consider the Reputation of Service Provider

You’ll want to look at the reputation of the provider of luxury restroom trailers. If you know someone who has rented a luxury restroom trailer before, ask them who they hired and whether they would recommend the service provider.

One of the best ways to know how a service provider will treat you is to consider how they’ve treated other customers.

So, pick the brains of anyone you know who has rented porta potties for events. You’ll want to get feedback on their experiences, the cleanliness of the trailers, the amenities and features, and other essential things.

Consider Online Reviews

Check out online reviews to see what previous customers have to say about providers of luxury restroom trailers. You can learn about service providers worth patronizing and about those you should steer clear of.

Getting feedback from people you know is a good idea, but reading reviews from people you don’t know can also offer you helpful information. You might be surprised at what you uncover by checking out some reviews online.

Don’t put all your faith in reviews since that can skew your perception, but considering online reviews can be part of a strategy to find the right service provider. Doing so can help give you ideas on things to consider.

Get the Right Trailer Bathroom for Your Event

If you’re planning a VIP event, you need the right restroom facilities. That might require renting a luxury restroom trailer offering the amenities your VIP guests expect and deserve.

When you need a trailer bathroom for your event or function, get in touch. We’ll explain available options and services available for your extravaganza.

We’re here to help you put on the best function possible — and that means offering quality restroom facilities. Let us know how we can help make your event a great one.

luxury porta potty

An Insider’s Guide to Choosing the Perfect Luxury Portable Restroom

Did you know there are more than three million portable toilets in use across the world? Portable toilets – more often called porta-potty – are dominantly seen at construction sites, remote locations, and any outdoor event. They’re an excellent way to ensure sanitation and convenience without having to build brick-and-mortar restrooms.

But some lower-end porta-potty models can leave guests wanting something more. Most events have begun using luxury porta-potty models to improve the experience their guests have at any outdoor event.

If you’re curious about luxury portable toilet rental, we’re here to help. Read on to learn more about luxury toilets for your outdoor event. We’ll also look into some of the features you can expect from a luxury restroom.

Why Use A Luxury Porta-Potty?

Many companies will seek to cut costs when planning an outdoor event. One of the first places some companies look is the restrooms.

Some companies choose to use lower-cost portable toilet rental units. While these are more affordable, they cut out many quality-of-life benefits.

If you’re holding a VIP event, using lackluster toilets can leave a bad impression. A luxury restroom will impress guests, especially at an outdoor event where such things are less common.

Furthermore, luxury porta-potty units are more sanitary and healthy. Smaller units are crowded, poorly ventilated, lack lighting, and more issues.

Luxury units are larger, making guests more comfortable and less likely to bump into dirty surfaces. They’re also kept cleaner, as guests aren’t as hesitant to use them correctly. Finally, they’re better ventilated and lit, making them more pleasant to use.

Types of Luxury Portable Toilets

If you’re curious about a luxury portable toilet rental, it may surprise you to learn there are many available models. Here are some of the common types of luxury portable toilets.

Standard Luxury Restroom

The most common type of luxury portable toilet is aptly called a standard luxury restroom. These models are more spacious, providing a comfortable interior.

Additionally, these toilets flush, which a lower-end model won’t. Instead, lower-quality portable restrooms will have a reservoir for human waste. Since this standard restroom flushes, the unpleasant stench and accompanying health risks are dealt with.

There are VIP models which include more amenities. These include air conditioning, mirrors, and more polished interiors.

Luxury Toilet Trailer

A step up from the standard model is a fixed toilet trailer. Trailer-mounted luxury restrooms are ideal for larger events or a semi-permanent restroom facility.

For example, these restrooms are common in some outdoor farmers ets, which occur repeatedly. They’re more permanent than truck-loaded porta-potty units at a one-weekend music festival but more temporary than a brick-and-mortar restroom.

These models offer multiple stalls and high-end features. Running water, air conditioning, and sound systems are common benefits. As such, they’re more costly than standard options.

Luxury Portable Trailers

Another option is luxury restroom trailers. These are a better model of trailer-mounted restrooms and are ideal for more upscale events. You’ll find these models at galas, weddings, corporate events, and more.

Luxury trailer restrooms offer a more “at-home” experience, running water, climate control, and high-end finishes. Some offer a lounge-style area or amenities such as mints and towels.

ADA-Compliant Portable Toilets

Finally, ADA-compliant portable toilets are toilets that meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. These toilets ensure that people with disabilities have equal access.

It’s rare for an event to have all of its restrooms ADA-compliant. Instead, they’ll often offer a select number to accompany the other restrooms. These portable toilets include grab bars, ramps, and other accessibility upgrades.

Features to Look For

How can you decide which portable toilet to pick? While these models mentioned above are relatively standard, not all restrooms will meet their guidelines.

Instead, it’s helpful to know which features you need in a portable toilet. Here are some of the most common features of a luxury porta-potty.

Handwashing Stations

One of the most important features of a luxury porta-potty is a handwashing station. A non-luxury porta-potty often features nothing for guests to sanitize with.

Not washing your hands can lead to the spread of sickness and disease. Additionally, guests are more likely to feel dirty or self-conscious if they can’t sanitize their hands. They may avoid the restroom altogether due to this.

If you can’t secure a luxury restroom with handwashing stations, consider exterior portable options. One common model has a reservoir of water and a foot-powered pump at the bottom to let guests wash their hands.


Another great benefit is the lighting inside the restroom. If your event is outdoors and at night, lighting is a necessity.

A non-luxury option will have no lighting, which can lead to guests stumbling inside. Poor lighting is a safety hazard and can lead to messes, poor sanitation, and discomfort. For handicapped stalls, no lighting is considerably worse.

Climate Control

In an outdoor environment, a non-luxury porta-potty becomes unpleasant swiftly. Heat causes the stench of the reservoir to worsen and can cause a health risk. Poor air ventilation magnifies this effect dramatically.

In a luxury model, climate control is a must-have for outdoor events. Having climate control will stop the trailer or portable unit from heating up and becoming unpleasant. In cold weather, it can provide a cozy and luxurious atmosphere.

Planning Your VIP Event

Using your choice of luxury porta-potty models for your VIP event will help escalate the experience for your guests. Think of what model would best fit your plans, particularly if you’re holding an outdoor event. Decide on what features your luxury restroom would most benefit from before choosing your portable toilet rental.

For more information on event planning, browse our extensive blog. You can also contact us to discuss servicing your sanitary equipment and septic tanks.

Cost-Effective Ways to Make Your Luxury Portable Restrooms Feel More Upscale

Are you planning to bring in portable restroom rentals for a wedding, a family reunion, a charity dinner, or another fancy event? If so, you should think about doing more than just renting a bunch of fancy porta-potties for the occasion.

Luxury portable restrooms will be a much better option. These luxury bathroom rentals will look so much nicer than ordinary porta-potties, which will make them fit in better at a formal event. People won’t be hesitant at all to use a luxury bathroom trailer.

There are, however, some things you might want to consider doing to give a luxury bathroom rental a more upscale appearance overall. You won’t have to break the bank to do any of them. But they’ll make a huge difference in the way a luxury bathroom trailer looks and functions when people enter it.

Here are some of the most cost-effect ways to make luxury portable restrooms feel more upscale at your next event.

Arrange to Have It Parked in the Right Place

When you rent luxury portable restrooms for an event, you’ll be able to have them parked in almost any location you want. You should figure out the best possible place to put them long before they arrive at your event.

Ideally, you want to try to tuck luxury portable restrooms away in a place where they won’t be right out in the open. This alone will prevent them from sticking out like a sore thumb and dragging down the appearance of your event.

But at the same time, you should also attempt to put them in a place where they’ll be easy to find. It’ll ensure that people know where they’re at when they need to use them.

Hang Decorations Up on the Outside of It

Most luxury portable restrooms will be big, white, rectangular boxes without anything on the outside of them. They won’t necessarily be eyesores at your event as long as they’re clean when they show up. But they also aren’t going to be as aesthetically pleasing as you might like.

An easy way to change this is to take some of the decorations for your event and hang them up on the outside of your luxury portable restrooms. It’ll automatically help tie them into the theme for your event and make them look like they belong at it.

You might be pleasantly surprised to see what a few wreaths or even some string lights can do for luxury portable restrooms. These kinds of things can class luxury bathroom rentals right up and make them look even more luxurious than they already do.

Consider Putting Up a Tent Near the Doors for It

Putting decorations on the outside of luxury portable restrooms is one way to make them blend into the crowd. Another way to “hide” your luxury portable restrooms in plain sight is by putting up a tent near the doors for it.

This tent will instantly make your luxury portable restrooms look a little classier by making it less obvious what they are. It’ll also provide people who are waiting to use your luxury portable restrooms with the protection they’ll need from the elements.

Create a Waiting Area for It

If you decide to put up a tent outside of your luxury portable restrooms, why not go all out and set up a waiting area underneath it? You can put out a few fancy chairs for people to sit in while they’re waiting to use a luxury bathroom rental. You can also put up photos, decorations, and anything else that might make this waiting area more welcoming.

There will be lines that’ll form outside of your luxury portable restrooms every so often throughout your event. A waiting area will be a perfect addition since it’ll give people a chance to unwind for a few minutes while waiting their turn.

Decorate the Inside of It

We already touched on why you should decorate the outside of luxury portable restrooms. But why stop there? You might want to go ahead and decorate the inside of it, too.

You should purchase some extra decorations for your luxury portable restrooms in the form of photos, artwork, wreaths, and whatever else you might want to hang up. It’ll keep the theme for your event running throughout your luxury portable restrooms and make them feel like they’re more a part of it.

Put Out Hand Soap, Toiletries, Etc. Inside of It

When people step inside your luxury portable restrooms, you want to give them the impression that you thought about everything when renting it. So outside of just decorating it, you should also put out high-quality hand soap and create a basket filled with toiletries that people might want to use.

This basket should be filled with things like lotions, mouthwash, breath strips, and even colognes and perfumes if you really want to go all out. It’ll take your luxury portable restrooms to the next level and make them classier than you could have ever imagined.

Make the Inside of It Smell Nice

At the end of the day, a luxury bathroom trailer is still going to be, well, a bathroom no matter how hard you might work to make it feel upscale. Because of this, getting it to smell nice might be a challenge.

But you should be able to do this with some combination of air fresheners, potpourri, and maybe even candles. These kinds of things will make the inside of your luxury portable restrooms smell so much nicer and put them over the top.

Want to Rent Luxury Portable Restrooms? Contact Us!

Renting luxury portable restrooms for a wedding or some kind of other formal event will be of the utmost importance. But you shouldn’t rent luxury bathroom rentals from just any company. You’ll need to have a company like J Bar in your corner providing luxury portable bathrooms to you.

We carry a wide range of different types of luxury portable restrooms. We invite you to give us a call to find out which ones might be the right options for your upcoming event.

Reach out to us today to get started.